Conference overview

ILASS 2016 will provide a venue for academic and industrial researchers and students to meet and share recent developments in the field of atomization and spray systems. All aspects of atomization and spray processes will be covered, including, but not limited to:

Liquid atomisation
Drop deformation and break-up
Atomiser design
Injection System
Fuel sprays
Transport phenomena in sprays
Droplet evaporation and condensation
Spray-drop/wall interaction
Spray on porous media
Measurement techniques
Laser diagnostics
Automotive sprays
Flash atomization
Visualisation and image analysis
Computational methods in sprays
Painting sprays
Inkjet applications
Spray coating
Refrigerant sprays
Spray cooling
Spray dryers
Turbine spray cooling
Spray towers
Metal sprays
Combusting sprays
Effervescent sprays
Cryogenic sprays
LN2 jets
Rocket sprays
Biopesticide and germicide
Medical sprays
Spray contamination
Agricultural sprays
Firefighter sprayers
Water mist
Fire suppression systems